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Homeowners Insurance in Connecticut

If you own a home in Connecticut, you'll probably know that you need insurance coverage. What you might not know is what that coverage entails. Atlantica Insurance is all about making sure that our customers understand their policy. Here are a few things to know:

What, exactly, does homeowners insurance cover?

A typical homeowners policy covers repair of damages to the interior and exterior of a structure where people live. Coverage may include other buildings on the property, such as fences, pool houses, greenhouses, detached garages and work sheds. Homeowners insurance may also cover the replacement of personal belongings. This means household furniture, some jewelry, clothing, books, electronic equipment and anything else that is not attached to the house. Some policies may provide money for living expenses, if and when a home becomes uninhabitable due to damage or loss. Personal liability coverage may pay for someone's injuries sustained on your property or in your house.

What is a deductible?

An insurance deductible is the amount of money the policy holder agrees to pay before the insurance coverage takes over to pay the rest. For example, if your deductible is $1,000 and your property is damaged to the tune of $1,500, you would be required to pay the first $1,000, after which the insurance may pick up the balance. The deductible is determined at the time of the policy origination. Replacement cost vs. actual cash value Let's say a tree falls and lands on the 20-year-old roof of your house. If your home and roof are insured for “actual cash value,” the insurer would cover the amount that your roof is actually worth. In the case of a 20-year-old roof, this amount could be much less than what you'd need to actually replace the roof. If the same home and roof were covered by “replacement cost” insurance, the insurer would pay the whole amount to have the roof rebuilt no matter how old it is. In either case, you may be required to pay a deductible before the insurance kicks in.

If you have any questions about buying a homeowners insurance policy in Conecticut, please contact Atlantica Insurance without delay. There is always someone here to take your call at (203) 776-6220.

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